Elizabeth Morison's Home Page

Elizabeth Christine Mary Morison was born on 4th July, 1997. She weighed 2.8kg, and arrived bottom first for reasons she has not yet divulged.

She has many interests, including rattles, plastic blocks, sitting up, pureed avocado and sweet potato.

In the first three or four months, Elizabeth concentrated on her growth, and laid down a regime of healthy exercise, frequent rest and strict hygiene.

Elizabeth's mother thinks it was worth it

Elizabeth's dad makes her acquaintance on her zeroth birthday

Family get-together

Elizabeth and mum with Rodd island, site of mum and dad's wedding, in background
Elizabeth at about 1 week
Elizabeth is seldom far from her perambulator
It gives her the freedom to travel
Elizabeth demonstrates hand-woofling
Daily workouts in her gymnasium keep her fit and mentally sharp
Floorwork builds muscle tone
Equally at home on a grass court
Elizabeth focusses on piano studies
Bath and massage leave the skin tingling and the body relaxed