[Writingworkshop] Last Person Singular slight tweaks

Neale Morison neale at nealemorison.com
Fri Jul 24 21:36:18 EDT 2009

This isn't a major rewrite. I just added a final conversation between 
Colleen and Nick. I think it focuses the ideas a little and adds a 
missing emotional element. It's also an opportunity for one of my worst 
puns ever.

I added some more nerdspeak about the technology. I changed the bit 
about Colleen conducting Psi to include a reference to the outrageous 
work of the amazing Manfred Clynes. This is a man who played piano for 
Albert Einstein, was a mate of Pablo Casals and Marvin Minsky, invented 
the term cyborg and gave the world the sentics button, which I recently 
purchased from his website after losing the one he gave me in the eighties.

I think this version is an improvement. I would love to know if anyone 
else can see a difference or an improvement.


Neale Morison
neale at nealemorison.com
35 Frazer St, Leichhardt NSW 2040I
+61 417 661 427

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